Autism and Video Games aka To Medicate or Not to Medicate

The Autistic Autism Consultant
Jul 31, 2024By The Autistic Autism Consultant

Click on the link above to watch my short video about video gaming and the autistic brain. The information below will give you more information about if video game addiction may signal that your child or you could benefit from dopamine-boosting activities or medication

Understanding the Connection Between Dopamine, Autism, and Video Game Addiction

Dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure, reward, and motivation, plays a crucial role in how we experience enjoyment and reinforcement. This article explores how dopamine interacts with video game addiction and its nuanced relationship with autism.

Dopamine and Video Game Addiction
Dopamine and Reward Pathways

Dopamine is essential for our brain’s reward system. Engaging in enjoyable activities, such as playing video games, triggers dopamine release, which contributes to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Video games are designed to be highly engaging, providing frequent rewards like achieving goals or leveling up, which can lead to increased dopamine release.

Potential for Addiction

When gaming becomes excessive, the brain can become conditioned to expect constant dopamine spikes. This can result in a dependency on gaming for pleasure, leading to a decrease in the ability to find joy in other activities, a condition known as anhedonia. Over time, the brain adapts to the intense stimulation, causing tolerance. This means that the same level of gaming may no longer be as satisfying, requiring even more intense or prolonged gaming to achieve similar pleasure.

Impact on Dopamine Levels

Initial Boost: New gamers often experience a strong sense of reward as their dopamine system becomes highly activated.
Potential Dysregulation: Chronic gaming can disrupt dopamine regulation. The brain’s reward pathways might become less sensitive, overly reliant on gaming for dopamine release, and struggle to find satisfaction in other activities.
Withdrawal and Cravings: Reducing or stopping gaming can lead to withdrawal symptoms similar to other addictions, including cravings, irritability, and difficulty enjoying other activities.

Balance and Moderation

Maintaining balance and moderation in gaming habits is vital for healthy dopamine regulation. Engaging in a variety of activities and leading a well-rounded lifestyle can help prevent the negative effects associated with gaming addiction.

Dopamine and Autism

The relationship between dopamine and autism is complex and not fully understood. Research indicates that while individuals with autism might not necessarily have lower overall dopamine levels, their dopamine systems may function differently compared to neurotypical individuals. Variations in dopamine receptor densities and transporter levels in autism can affect how dopamine is processed and utilized.

Neurological Differences

Dopamine Receptors: Studies suggest that dopamine receptors, particularly D2 receptors, might be altered in individuals with autism. This can impact how dopamine signals are transmitted and how rewarding experiences are perceived.

Reward System: Differences in the reward system in autism could influence behaviors and sensory processing. Some research suggests that atypical responses to reward or motivation might be linked to differences in dopamine processing.

Behavioral Implications

Sensory Sensitivities: The dopamine system's role in sensory processing means that differences in dopamine regulation could contribute to the sensory sensitivities often experienced by individuals with autism.
Motivation and Reward: Variations in dopamine function might affect motivation and reward experiences, impacting social interactions and engagement in activities.
Individual Variation

Autism is a spectrum disorder with significant individual variability. Dopamine levels and functions can differ widely among individuals with autism. It's important to recognize that not everyone with autism will have the same neurological or biochemical characteristics.

Research and Understanding

Ongoing research is exploring how dopamine and other neurotransmitters relate to autism. Better understanding these relationships can aid in developing more effective interventions and supports for individuals with autism.


While dopamine plays a critical role in both video game addiction and autism, the interactions are complex and multifaceted. Excessive gaming can disrupt dopamine regulation, leading to addiction and withdrawal symptoms, while differences in dopamine processing in autism can affect behavior and sensory experiences. Recognizing these dynamics can help in managing gaming habits and understanding the neurological aspects of autism.