6/4/24 Neurodiversity Training at Keystone Camp, Brevard
Summer Camps Request More Inclusivity in Training
I wanted to share a wonderful victory with you all!
As an autistic adult, I've often had neurotypical people tell me about my autism, explaining how they think I am, instead of asking me about my own experiences. So, I was thrilled when the director of Keystone Camp in Brevard reached out to me about six months ago, inviting me to train her counselors in neurodiversity.
(FYI: Jazz Whyatt is one of the most professional, inclusive, and capable humans I've ever met.)
Jazz specifically wanted someone neuroatypical to present and train her staff about neuroatypicality and searched the internet to find me.
Yesterday, I gave a two-hour presentation to about 100 counselors there. It was incredibly well received. I enjoyed connecting with the counselors who came up after the talk to share with me. It was a great bunch of people. It’s heartening to see the mainstream making room for autistic voices.
Things are changing. I hope that the next generation of autistic kids will grow up in a world where they'll be heard and valued for who they are.
I hope I'll have many more opportunities like this in the future. I'm grateful to be in a position to be spreading this message of inclusivity and diversity.